미국에서 회계사무원 인턴하기 (2명 모집중)


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오늘 가져온 채용소식은 JC&Company의 회계사무원입니다.

아래 공고를 살펴보시고 많은 지원 부탁드립니다!

JC&Company Associate Accountant 회계사무원 모집 (2명, 무관)

 주요 업무내용
• Assurance engagements or agreed-upon procedures engagements
• Prepare individual, corporate, partnership or other tax returns
• Consult with reputable domestic and international businesses and high net worth individuals to assist with navigating complex tax regulations
• Strategic international tax planning and delivery of high quality tax services.
• Other responsibilities expected as associates and sr. associates in U.S. public accounting firms

 그 외 자격조건
• BA/BS degree from an accredited college/university (for associates and sr. associates)
• Must be comfortable to work in fast-paced environment
• CPA licensed or eligible to sit for the CPA exam
• Ability to meet challenging client requirements, provide services, and possess strong communication, interpersonal, analytical, and research abilities
• Strong interests in international tax and accounting field
• Very good writing and communication skills

• 급여 : 협의 후 결정
• 계약기간: 12개월

***지원방법: 이메일 제목에 지원 회사명과 직무명을 표시하고, 이력서를 kmove@kotrasv.org로 보내주시기 바랍니다.***